
Millions of masks produced in record time as new rules unveiled

Cream skimmed from milk may be called “sweet cream” to distinguish it from cream skimmed from whey, a by-product of cheese-making. Whey cream has a lower fat content and tastes more salty, tangy and “cheesy”. In many countries, cream is usually sold partially fermented: sour cream, crème fraîche, and so on. Both forms have many …

Millions of masks produced in record time as new rules unveiled Read More »

Art dealer found guilty of forgery at showcase exhibition

By astronomical convention, the four seasons can be determined by the solstices—the points in the orbit of maximum axial tilt toward or away from the Sun—and the equinoxes, when Earth rotational axis is aligned with its orbital axis. In the Northern Hemisphere, winter solstice currently occurs around 21 December; summer solstice is near 21 June, …

Art dealer found guilty of forgery at showcase exhibition Read More »

The great city smog of the last decade reveals extraordinary data

There are a number of different theories and hypotheses regarding early state formation that seek generalizations to explain why the state developed in some places but not others. Other scholars believe that generalizations are unhelpful and that each case of early state formation should be treated on its own. Voluntary contend groups theories of people …

The great city smog of the last decade reveals extraordinary data Read More »

Scientists discover liquid water ocean beneath Pluto’s surface

By astronomical convention, the four seasons can be determined by the solstices—the points in the orbit of maximum axial tilt toward or away from the Sun—and the equinoxes, when Earth rotational axis is aligned with its orbital axis. In the Northern Hemisphere, winter solstice currently occurs around 21 December; summer solstice is near 21 June, …

Scientists discover liquid water ocean beneath Pluto’s surface Read More »

Breakthrough in satellite probe technology as research advances

There are a number of different theories and hypotheses regarding early state formation that seek generalizations to explain why the state developed in some places but not others. Other scholars believe that generalizations are unhelpful and that each case of early state formation should be treated on its own. Voluntary contend groups theories of people …

Breakthrough in satellite probe technology as research advances Read More »